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Michael Field
5th Dan Iwama Ryu (1998)
5th Dan Aikikai (1999)
4th Dan Iwama Ryu Ken Jo

Michael says "Now that my master, Morihiro Saito Sensei the technical heir of the founder has passed away (2002), no one is qualified to rank me".

Michael Field is the head full time professional instructor at Field Aikido. Michael studied Aikido under Morihiro Saito Sensei 9th Dan Aikikai, while living in Japan at the Iwama Dojo 1979 - 1982, April 1987, April 1994, April/May 1995, July 1996 & March 1999.

He has helped bring Saito Sensei to Australia to give Iwama Ryu Aikido Seminars on ten occassions. Michael has also hosted Hitohiro Saito Sensei to Melbourne twice, Saburo Takayasu Sensei four times, Hiroki Nemoto Sensei twice and Ulf Evenas Sensei five times.

Michael is a not only a highly skilled Aikido practitioner but also a consummate teacher. He teaches Bujutsu (martial techniques both open handed and weapons) as he learned them from Morihiro Saito Sensei. He teaches Budo (martial code of behaviour) so his students will learn about loyalty, respect, duty, rights and obligations. He teaches Bushin (martial techniques to still the mind) so his students can access peace more often, even when the world around them is chaotic.

Michael Field Sensei - Koto gaeshi
Photo by Jeff Buzby

Saito Sensei & Field Sensei

Download 1983 footage of Saito Sensei
With Michael Field Sensei as uke.

(Right-click to save file
to your hard disc)

Field Sensei & Saito Sensei